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Progwhiz Apple Mac Notarizer Tool
Progwhiz Apple Mac
Notarizer Tool
The Progwhiz Notarizer Tool is the GUI Version
to Sign and Notarize your Mac Apps
- Codesign Any App & Package(KG) or DMG
- Remove Attributes that sometimes inhibit signing
- Notarize Archives or Packages with Ease
- Check on the status of your Submission
- Ability to sign one or more files base on wildcard
- Ability to sign files through recursive Directory search
- Ability to sign with entitlements (sample included)
- Ability to change BundleIdentifier on signing external executables
- Mechanisms to assist in publishing to Mac Store
- Un Registered version Free to use 10 Times
Notarization Process Flow
- 1. Compile/Build Your App (.app)
- Managed by Notarizer Tool
- 2. xattr your App (.app)
- 3. Codesign Your App (.app)
- 4. Archive Your App (.zip,.pkg,.dmg)
- 5. Codesign Your Archive (.pkg,.dmg) Not for (.zip)
- 6. Notarise Your Archive Zip/Pkg/Dmg (.zip,.pkg,.dmg)
- 7. Staple Your App/Archive (.app, .pkg, .dmg)
- 8. Re-Archive Your App (.zip,.pkg,.dmg)